paper bag

Friday, February 25, 2011

on teeth and toes...

Our little sweet pea is growing up. Too fast, really. I was just looking tonight at old baby pictures, and realizing how much she has changed, even in the weeks since the holidays. She has 3 teeth, with the 4th waging a long and painful war on it's way to the outside world. She is wearing 12-month clothes - those clothes that not long ago looked HUGE and like I should pack them up and forget about them for a year. She is spending long moments standing at the kitchen window enamored by the scampering squirrels and blowing leaves in the lawn below.

And she is walking. Yes, that is right - walking. Okay, so not WALKING walking, but taking steps walking. I can't write down a date for her first step - she kinda was taking little single steps here and there off and on for a while, the kind of steps that you aren't really sure whether to count as steps or not, just moving a foot a few inches and catching her balance again. But, it is safe to say that by Valentine's Day, also her 10-mo birthday, she was taking steps. That morning she took 6 steps from Grandma to Mom, and was excitedly praised. She was non-plussed. She has continued to be non-plussed as she has ventured to be more confident in this enterprise of walking. After getting to wherever it is she wanted to go, she will simply sit down and go on like it was no big deal. Meanwhile, Mommy is wishing she had grabbed the camera sooner and recorded it for posterity. Next time....